2013-06-26 09:52:20 作者:本站整理来源:

Corrosion Performance of Ni and Ni-P Coatings via Electrodeposition in an Emulsified Supercritical CO2 bath

  Sung-Ting Chung, Yan-Chi Chuang, Cheng-Yu Li, Shih-Yi Chiu, Wen-Ta Tsai*

  * E-mail : wttsai@mail.ncku.edu.tw

  Department of Materials Science and Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan



  台湾台南市成功大学特聘教授 ,历年来执行数十项腐蚀相关研究课题,研究成果总计已有215篇学术期刊论文发表,其中有SCI论文166篇;而国内外学术研讨会发表的论文超过285篇,已获得国内外核准的专利有10件,其它技术报告已超过120件。


 NCKU: National Cheng Kung University

  • Founded: 1931
  • Area : 183 hectares
  • Colleges: 9
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  •  Enrollment : 21889
    •   Undergraduate : 11056
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Background information

     Properties and applications of nickel (Ni) deposition

Properties: Electrical conductivity, Corrosion resistance, …etc.

Applications: Electronic packaging, MEMS, advanced integrated circuit (IC), Anti-corrosion, Anti-wear, Decoration…etc.

Methods of nickel (Ni) deposition

Dry Process

  1. PVD
  2. CVD
  3. Sputter…etc.

Wet Process

  1. Electroplating
  2. Electroless plating…etc.

     Advantages and Disadvantages of Wet Process

Advantages :
Easy to operate
High deposition rate…etc

The formation of hydrogen may create several pin-holes on the film.
Wastewater treatment (toxic species)…etc

Possible solutions:
Non-aqueous or green electrolytes:
ionic liquids and supercritical CO2…etc

Supercritical Fluids

  Characteristics of CO2

  CO2  Phase Diagram


  Critical properties of various solvents


  Characteristic of CO2  : Gas, Supercritical Fluid and Liquid

  Gas-like Diffusivity

  Liquid-like Density

  Low Surface Tension

New Technology for Electrodeposition

  Supercritical Nano-Plating (SNP)

  Sone and colleagues have demonstrated the electrodeposition of nickel from an emulsion of an aqueous nickel plating solution in sc-CO2 bath.


  Nonionic surfactant : PEO-PPO (6 wt.%)

  sc-CO2 volume fraction vs. Current efficiency & Resistance

  The result indicates that the plating electrolyte can be reduced at 60% compared to that of currently industrially by used plating bath.#p#副标题#e#

  The plated films using this method have a uniformity of surface and the grain size is smaller than that formed by using conventional electroplating methods.

  Experimental Conditions for Electrodeposition


              • Brass substrate cut in2.4 × 1 cm2×2

              • Polish in a slurry containing 0.3 μm Al2O3 powder

  * Modified Watt’s bath including NiSO4·6H2O, NiCl2·6H2O and H3BO3

  Plating condition

           • Current density: 5 A/dm2 for Ni and Ni-Al2O3 deposits

                                          2 A/dm2 for Ni-P alloy coatings

           • Temperature : 50oC

           • Total charge : 108 coul.

           • Aqueous electrolyte : 0.1 MPa (air), 10 MPa (Ar)

           • Electrolyte containing CO2  fluid: 5 MPa, 10 MPa and 15 MPa


  The heat-treatment of Ni-P alloy coatings was performed from room temperature to heat-treated temperature for 1 hr. (350, 400, 450, 500, and 550oC)


      Experimental Apparatus for Electrodeposition


  Materials Characterization for Electrodeposits

Experimental (I)    Pure Ni deposits

  Material Characterization (Ni Electrodeposit)

Crystal structure


  Current efficiency


Surface roughness

  Chemical composition(effect of sc-CO2 fluid)#p#副标题#e#

  Chemical shift        

  • C(graphite) : 284.6 eV
  • C dissolved in Ni lattice

          C(Ni-C) : 282.8 eV

       Possible reactions responsible for the formation of Ni-C deposit:
       Ni2+ + 2e- à Ni
       2H+ + 2e- à H2
       HCO3- + 5H+ + 4e- → C + 3H2O

  Microstructure and Micro-hardness

  TEM microstructure


  Grain size and micro-hardness

  Electrochemical behavior

  Potentiodynamic polarization curve

  Test in 1 M HCl solution

EIS result

  Electrochemical behavior (effect of crystallographical orientation)#p#副标题#e#

  Crystal structure


  Schematic diagram


Microstructure and Micro-hardness

     (effect of CO2 pressure)

  TEM microstructure


Grain size and micro-hardnes

  The dependence of micro-hardness on the grain size is also revealed

  Hall-Petch equation  σy  =  σo + kyd-1/2

  Electrochemical behavior

  -- Potentiodyamic polarization curve

Test in 1 M HCl solution

Experimental (II)  Ni-Al2O3 composite coatings

  Surface morphology and cross section micrograph

  (electrolyte containing 10 g/L Al2O3)

Surface morphology

Cross section micrograph

  Micro-hardness & Wear rate (electrolyte containing 10 g/L Al2O3)

  Ni/Al2O3 deposits

  Wear resistance#p#副标题#e#

  Ni-P/Al2O3 deposits

  Wear resistance

  Electrochemical behavior (electrolyte containing 10 g/L Al2O3)

  -- Potentiodyamic polarization curve

  Surface morphology and cross section micrograph (electrolyte containing 10 g/L SiC)

  Surface morphology


Cross section micrograph

  Micro-hardness & Wear rate(electrolyte containing 10 g/L SiC)

  Electrochemical behavior (electrolyte containing 10 g/L SiC)#p#副标题#e#

  Test in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution

  Electrochemical behavior

  Schematic diagrams

Experimental (III)  Ni-P alloy coatings

  P content  effect of [H3PO3]

  The co-deposition mechanism for the Ni-P alloy coatings
        Ni2+ + 2e- à Ni
        6H+ + 6e- à 6Hads

        Direct mechanism:
        H3PO3 + 3H+ + 3e- à P + 3H2O

        Indirect mechanism:
        H3PO3 +6Hads à PH3 + 3H2O
        2PH3 + 3Ni2+ à 3Ni + 2P + 6H+

  Grain size (effect of P content)

In conventional electrolyte

In emulsified sc-CO2 bath

  Hardness  effect of grain size

  Hall-Petch equation

  Grain size > 10 nm

  σy  =  σo + kyd-1/2

  Inverse Hall-Petch equation#p#副标题#e#

  Grain size < 10 nm

  σy  =  σo - kyd-1/2

  Electrochemical behavior  effect of P content

  -- Potentiodyamic polarization curve

  Test in 1 M NaOH solution


  (Test in 1 M HCl solution)

  The formation of an adsorbed film of hypophosphite (H2PO2-) generated by the oxidation of phosphorus present in the coating surface, which in turn blocks the water molecules from interacting with nickel, thus inhibiting nickel oxidation.

  Electrochemical behavior   effect of heat treatment

  Test in 1 M HCl solution


  The Ni-based deposits could be successfully fabricated from an emulsified sc-CO2 bath.

  The surfactant addition in sc-CO2 containing electrolyte play an important role on the surface appearance of the deposits. When electrodeposition was performed in the emulsified sc-CO2 electrolyte, a flat and almost pinhole-free surface was observed.

  Carburization of metal can be achieved by electrodeposition in the sc-CO2 -containing baths. As a result, the hardness of Ni-based films deposited in the sc-CO2  bath was enhanced by the additional solid solution strengthening mechanism.



  In 1 M HCl solution, the Ni film deposited in sc-CO2 bath had a lower anodic current density and a higher polarization resistance, which is mainly attributed to the crystallographical orientation.

  The high P content in the deposit was beneficial to enhance the corrosion resistance of the Ni-P alloy coating, in 1 M HCl solution.

  Heat treatment significantly enhances the hardness and corrosion resistance compared to the as-deposited Ni-P alloy.


  The authors thank the National Science Council of the Republic of China under Contract No. NSC 98-2622-E-006-032 for partially supporting the use of instruments for surface characterization.