2024-01-30 15:39:16 作者:科学网 来源:香港中文大学(深圳) 分享至:







目前引进的教师100%具有在国际一流高校执教或研究工作经验,75%以上的教授年龄在40周岁以下,是一批具有国际视野、富有创新精神和教书育人热忱的优秀教师。斯坦福大学World’s Top 2% Scientists 的名单中,香港中文大学(深圳)教授共入选250+人次。



































01 About the University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen was founded in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval by the Ministry of Education. It strives to explore a new path of higher education featured by strong connections to both China and the world. The University is committed to providing top-quality higher education that features an integration of the East and the West and fostering an enriching research environment. It is CUHK-Shenzhen’s mission to cultivate innovative talents with a global perspective, Chinese cultural traditions and social responsibilities.

Currently, more than 10000 students are studying at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.

Over the past ten years, the University has established six schools, namely the School of Management and Economics, the School of Science and Engineering, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Data Science, the School of Music, and the School of Medicine. These six schools, together with the Graduate School, offer 28 undergraduate programmes (two upon approval) and 46 postgraduate programmes.

The University’s global recruiting has gathered the world’s leading scholars and scientists here at CUHK-Shenzhen. By now, around 620 distinguished scholars have joined our faculty team, each of whom has had teaching or research experience overseas, including 5 Nobel laureates, 2 Turing Award laureates, 1 Fields Medal winner and a number of academicians of different countries. Together with their knowledge and expertise, they bring to CUHK-Shenzhen their vision, creativity, passion and dedication for education. 

The University was guided by innovation and the needs of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, has built an international platform for scientific and technological innovation, including 85 national engineering laboratories and Guangdong Provincial Key laboratories. It has undertaken a number of major and key projects, including 11 innovation teams, with accumulative approved research funds of more than 2.6 billion YUAN. The University focuses on artificial intelligence and robotics, data science and big data technology, computer science, statistics, operations research, communication engineering, microelectronics/optoelectronics, mathematics, physics, life science, pharmacy, clinical medicine, advanced materials, chemistry, biology, new energy, finance, management, global research, public policy, music performance, etc.

CUHK-Shenzhen encourages international experiences and seeks to nurture global awareness. As of now, it has signed agreements with more than 140 renowned universities in over 30 countries and regions across the globe, offering around 230 international programmes of different types. 

The application of talent recruitment for 2024 will start soon. We warmly welcome top talents worldwide who are eligible for programs to join CUHK-Shenzhen!

02  Benefits


competitive salary  (equivalent to that of The Chinese University of Hong Kong) ; preferential tax policy for overseas talent working in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area;


Leading Talent: 6.1 to 8.5 million yuan talent subsidy from the government and the University;

Young Talent: 2.79 to 4.31 million yuan talent subsidy from the government and the University.


Leading Talent: 3 million yuan from national research funds, 2.5 to 6.5 million yuan from the University research start-up funds;

Young Talent: 1 to 3 million yuan from national research funds, 1.5 to 5 million yuan from the university research start-up funds.

?Other Supports:

(1) Research: provision of ample office space, facilities for experimental research, research team and administrative secretary support;

(2) Housing: on-campus staff residential apartments or government housing;

(3) Other: children’s schooling (affiliated kindergarten, primary school and junior middle school), employment assistance for spouse, and provision of supplementary commercial insurance.

03 Position Specifications

Eligible applicants are those who have not yet come back to China to work full-time, or those who have come back to China to work since Jan. 1st, 2023. Successful applicants are required to work full-time for 3 years at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.

A. Leading Talent:

Applicants should 

(1) Have obtained a doctorate degree from a world-renowned university; 

(2) Be a Professor/Associate Professor or equivalent in a prestigious university or R&D institute, and/or a senior technical or managerial professional in an international company or financial institution; 

(3) Have made outstanding achievements in their field. 

B. Young Talent:

Applicants should 

(1) Be born after Jan. 1st, 1984; 

(2) Have obtained a doctorate degree; 

(3) Have no less than three years of continuous research and/or teaching experience abroad in a prestigious university or R&D institute prior to April 15, 2024 (exceptions will be given to applicants who have obtained their doctoral degree overseas with extraordinary research achievement);  

(4) Have research directions mainly in the natural sciences, engineering technology, etc.

04  Contact Info

We warmly welcome top talents worldwide to join CUHK-Shenzhen. Please refer to our website at http://www.cuhk.edu.cn/ and send a cover letter, full curriculum vitae and other related materials to the relevant schools below. We will contact you ASAP.

Ni Wang/ Judy Zhu


0755-23515204/ 0755-84273260


wangni@cuhk.edu.cn/ judyzhu@cuhk.edu.cn

Research Administration Office

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
