PART 01 学院介绍
PART 02 招聘岗位设置
PART 03 应聘条件
1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,热爱教学科研事业;
2. 具有良好的师德师风,恪守学术道德,勤勉工作,无犯罪记录,无违反师德师风和学术道德惩处记录;
3. 一流的学术背景:具有相关学科领域的博士学位,具有一流教学科研机构的学习、工作经验,熟悉相关领域国际前沿的研究动态。原则上,准聘助理教授要求博士毕业从事学术研究2年以上;
4. 出色的教学能力:应具有能够胜任本专业核心基础课程和前沿课程的教学能力,掌握良好的教学方法,具有较强的语言表达能力;
5. 突出的科研成果显示度与未来科研发展潜力:应有相关研究方向的成果显示度,对相关研究领域有原创性观点,未来研究计划思路清晰,具有较好的学术潜力;
6. 身体健康。
PART 04 应聘材料
PART 05 薪酬待遇和相关配套
PART 06 申请截止日期
PART 07 政策咨询
钟老师 025-89682616
学院网址 https://eng.nju.edu.cn
Tenure-track Faculty Positions in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS), Nanjing University
PART 01 The College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS)
Since its founding in 2009, the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) in Nanjing University has been pursuing to fulfill its original vision: science-based and engineering-oriented education. We seek an optimal balance between the creation and integration of knowledge through scholarly research, entrepreneurship and innovation in translating the products of our research into practice, and the dissemination of knowledge to our students on the Nanjing University campus and beyond. Since 2019, a new 65,000 m2 building for research and education has been put into use to house the academic departments and research centers, embodying CEAS’s global vision and forward-looking plan. CEAS is now aimed to become a world-class college with its research and education focusing on developing cutting-edge technologies and engineering solutions to tackle major societal challenges.
In 2017, materials science and engineering in CEAS was listed as the national first-class discipline. After faculty recruitment and infrastructure expansion, CEAS is poised for significant growth and a rise to a higher standard of excellence. The college won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award once and the second prize three times. It is also a nationwide exemplary college, where internationalization is being implemented in every facet (education, research, administration, faculty recruiting/assessment, and infrastructure), and involves virtually every member of the college (administrators, faculty, staff and students). The college has established several new R&D institutions and achievement transformation platforms in Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai and other places. It has also formed long-term partnerships with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of California, Irvine, and Paris Tech, etc., and has hosted/participated in a number of international cooperation projects.
At present, CEAS faculty is composed of 102 professors/associate/assistant professors. Over the recent years, near 50 junior faculty members (including 3 non-Chinese nationals) have been recruited from world-renowned universities or institutions, primarily through national talents recruiting programs.
PART 02 Positions
CEAS is seeking applicants for tenure-track assistant professors (up to 5 vacancies in total). Specific fields of research open for recruitment are:
1. Probing and detecting quantum states of functional materials in extreme conditions
2. High-performance materials for solar hydrogen production
3. Optical field manipulation and micro/nano photonics
4. High-efficiency energy conversion materials and devices
5. Particle therapy for severe diseases
PART 03 Qualifications
The applicant should
(1) abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, and show enthusiasm in teaching and research;
(2) abide by academic ethics, uphold academic integrity,have no criminal record or record in breaching the ethics of teachers and/or academic integrity;
(3) have a first-rate background in academic training-specifically, a PhD in related disciplines, and knowledge of the latest international trends and development in the relevant research field(s); In principle, the applicant for Assistant Professor should have engaged in academic research for more than two years after receiving his/her doctoral degree;
(4) have outstanding teaching abilities: the applicant should be able to teach core and frontline courses in the corresponding discipline, and have sound teaching methodology and strong verbal skills;
(5) demonstrate outstanding research output and potential-the applicant should have publications in his/her field of research, original ideas about relevant fields of research, a clear vision about future research plans, and good potential for further academic development;
(6) be in good health.
PART 04 Supporting Materials for Application
1. Three reference letters
2. A detailed CV (in both Chinese and English)
3. Other relevant attachments that demonstrate academic achievements
Please login to the talent recruitment platform of Nanjing University (http://zp.nju.edu.cn/) to submit the application materials required.
PART 05 Benefits Package
(1) Annual Salary: depending on qualifications;
(2) Start-up funding for research;
(3) Qualification to supervise graduate students;
(4) The university provides short-term lodging and housing subsidies. Applicants recruited can purchase commercial housing offered by the university at a special discount;
(5) The university provides assistance with children’s schooling at primary and secondary school levels.
PART 06 Application Deadline
Application deadline: June 28,2024
(If the number of applicants for a single post is small, it will be extended appropriately.)
PART 07 Contact Details
Tel: +86-25-89682616 (Ms. Zhong)
Email: zhongf@nju.edu.cn
Website: http://eng.nju.edu.cn
标签: 南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院, 新工科, 全球招聘

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