ISO/TC 156金属和合金的腐蚀技术委员会现有14个工作组(WG)、1个咨询组(AG)和1个分技术委员会(SC1),具体如下:
AG-Advisory Group,咨询工作组
WG1-Terminology, 术语
WG2-Environmentally assissted cracking, 环境敏感开裂
WG4-Atmospheric corrosion testing and classification of corrosivity of atmosphere,大气腐蚀试验和大气腐蚀分类
WG5-Intergranular corrosion,晶间腐蚀
WG6-General principles of testing and data interpretation, 实验和数据分析一般原则
WG7-Accelerated corrosion test, 加速腐蚀试验
WG9-Corrosion testing of materials for power generation, 发电材料腐蚀试验
WG10-Cathodic protection of buried and immersed metallic structures, 埋地或浸没金属结构的阴极保护
WG11-Electrochemical test methods, 电化学试验方法
WG13-High temperature corrosion, 高温腐蚀
WG15-Corrosion rates of the embeded steel reinforement in concrete, 混凝土用钢筋的腐蚀速率
WG16-Corrosion test method for disinfectant, 消毒剂腐蚀试验方法
WG17-Corrosion in industrial cooling water, 工业冷却水腐蚀
SC1-Corrosion control engineering life cycle, 工程声明周期腐蚀控制

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