Aims of ICC
The International Corrosion Council (ICC), founded in 1961, consists of representatives of countries interested in increasing the benefits to be derived from the advancement of corrosion science and engineering. These representatives, currently from 68 member countries, are generally appointed by nationally recognized corrosion societies or by national organizations with a significant interest in corrosion. Each member country is entitled to two representatives on the Council. The officers of the Council, elected by the ICC members, are the Chairman, and first and second Vice-Chairmen, who, together with the immediate Past Chairman and the Secretary, form the ICC Executive Committee. This Committee acts for the Council between International Corrosion Congress meetings, which are normally held every three years. The main objectives of the ICC are:
1 to stimulate internationally research in corrosion science and engineering and to encourage broad dissemination of the results
2 to promote cooperation and friendship among and between corrosion scientists and engineers in every country
3 to foster the practical application of research results through education
4 to facilitate communication between corrosion specialists and engineers.
Publicity of ICC member activities and those of national corrosion research laboratories is disseminated through two ICC surveys, namely, the Sources of Corrosion Information and the Survey of Corrosion Research Laboratories. Data is solicited periodically from ICC members and is currently available on this Corrosion Information Server together with information about the Executive Committee, Constitution and Bye-Laws and ICC Membership. The 19th International Corrosion Congress will be held in Jeju, Korea, 2014.